Crowther Lab in the NewsTake a look at the highlights of videos, podcasts and news items covering the latest research from Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich!Featured In: publications Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity Oct, 2023 news Revealed: World’s CO2 emissions set to rise by about 1 per cent to new record in 2023 Oct, 2023 news Auch Oberländer Bäume im Mehrfachstress Oct, 2023 news Carbon Plantations Threaten Native Flora, Fauna; Study Says Oct, 2023 news La biodiversité pour résoudre la crise climatique Oct, 2023 news Can agroforestry chocolate help save the world’s most endangered rainforest? Sep, 2023 video NY Climate Week: The Future of the Trillion Trees Movement Panel Sep, 2023 video How can native biodiversity buffer against plant invasions? | Q&A with Dr. Camille Delavaux Sep, 2023 news «Die braunen Blätter, die man jetzt sieht, sind nicht normal» Sep, 2023 news Darum haben viele Bäume schon braune Blätter Aug, 2023 news Brown leaves already seen in many Swiss forests Aug, 2023 publications Poleward shifts in the maximum of spring phenological responsiveness of Ginkgo biloba to temperature in China Aug, 2023 news Local trees offer potent defense against invaders: study Aug, 2023 news Diverse forests shut down non-native tree invasions Aug, 2023 publications Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions Aug, 2023 blog What do rabbits and the Dutch economy have in common? Aug, 2023 news Wildfires made worse by plants starting to grow earlier in the year Aug, 2023 other Biodiversity: The Silent Crisis with Prof. Tom Crowther Aug, 2023 news Join our upcoming event: "Have we oversimplified our planet? A call for biodiversity" Aug, 2023 news Machine learning helps researchers identify underground fungal networks Aug, 2023 < Previous1…34567…13Next >